Technical Support

Fear not when you are facing any technical difficulties using Financio. Our friendly and award-winning team at Financio is always ready to help you.

Connect with our friendly support team by clicking on the green chat button at the bottom left corner of your Financio account. Paid subscribers will see the option to call our hotline or continue with the live chat/email within 2 working hours using the in-app Intercom after you logged into Financio.

Note: Our working hours being Mon – Fri, 9am – 5:30pm, excluding public holidays in Singapore. The response time-frame serves as a guideline and doesn’t include bug fixes, feature requests as well as support request that requires our team to investigate your business data.

Getting Instant Help

Browse through our knowledge base articles for instant answers.

Send Support Request

Contact our support team if you couldn't find an answer from our knowledge base. Our agent will generally get back to you within 1 working day. (Please provide your login email address and business name accurately to speed things up)

For paid subscription users, use the in-app Intercom chat button for speedier reply.

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